TABLETS REQUIRE INTERNET OR WIFI CONNECTIVITY FOR APP TO FUNCTION Finally, an app strictly dedicated to information relative to Gouramis. The Gouramis App is for the beginning Gourami enthusiast. The app teaches you how to breed and care for these remarkable fish. Characteristics distinguishing male from female; spawning process, tank setup; supplies and equipment; selection process; conditioning; feeding, caring for fry and much more. 15 different species are illustrated with full color graphics, information and photos.
Blue Gourami (three spot)Blue Paradise GouramiChocolate GouramiDwarf GouramiFlame Dwarf GouramiGiant GouramiGold GouramiHoney Dwarf GouramiKissing GouramiLicorice GouramiNeon Blue GouramiOpaline GouramiPearl Gourami (our favorite)Powder Blue GouramiSparkling Gourami